Lee Cheuk-yan

debatt Den fängslade fackliga ledaren Lee Cheuk-yan skriver brev från sin isoleringscell i fängelset i Hongkong. Han anklagas för att ha deltagit i gatudemonstrationer. Brevet publiceras med hjälp av organisationen Befria Hongkong. 

Dear brothers and sisters: 

I don’t know how long I haven’t written. Everyone says that in the past when I wrote articles or press releases, I had to rely on Sister Fang (note: an office colleague) to recognise my scribbles.

Later, I wrote on my mobile phone through dictation. Now I’m writing this letter. I try to write it out very neatly. It’s a test of my patience. However, I keep reminding myself that now I have time and can take my time.

Today is the third day of my imprisonment. Food was delivered to me early in the morning, and then I was taken to a cell at the Wan Chai Court.

Fortunately, there are papers and a pen, otherwise I don’t know how to pass the time. In prison, everything is out of control. I ordered books on Saturday, but it was not delivered on Sunday. There is no book to take to the court cell to read this Monday. In these few days, when there are no books. Fortunately, other prisoners were helping me, lending me books, papers, and pens. 

I am now under special protection. I am in solitary confinement. I am so close but so far away from other brothers and sisters I know. I heard that Hu Zhiwei lives upstairs and Yang Yueqiao lives downstairs. I don’t know why I can’t live on the sixth or eighth floor because I can then talk to my friends in isolation and spend time better. 

Läs också: Lee Cheuk-yan behöver Sveriges stöd

 Today, when I leave the Wanchai courthouse, I can share the car with Long Hair and Kuaibi. We can say hello to each other, but if we want to talk, we will be stopped. However, it is just nice to meet.

 There is no need to talk about life in prison. With so many brothers and sisters already in prison, everyone has heard a lot about it.

I once said: Prison can deprive people of their freedom, but it cannot imprison people’s hearts. This is the lesson I have to learn when I go to prison.

Moreover, all the great historical figures have been in prison but won in the end.

How can I keep my heart unrestrained in a depressed, monotonous prison life that is without dignity?

How can I continue to think freely through memory, through books, through letters and through writing?

I think I am someone who knows how to comfort myself, so that I can remain optimistic in the face of adversity. First of all, I said to myself that going to jail for my beliefs is the only way to fight, and I have escaped imprisonment for many years. Moreover, all the great historical figures have been in prison but won in the end. Perhaps it is best to read the prison notes of these great men to get more inspiration and confirm the ability of human beings to adapt to the environment.

 Yesterday a cardinal came to visit me and told me that after Jesus was resurrected, the disciples of Jesus preached the gospel by faith, and faith gave life a direction. This is very important. This dialogue has strengthened my belief. With my belief and direction, people have nothing to fear. I will also be imprisoned this time as a test and exercise of my will.

Living in troubled times, there is a will! Of course, the things that I can’t let go of are the HKCTU, Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China and the Labour Party. I can’t let go of May 1st, June 4th, and July 1st this year while in prison. I hope everyone will work together on May 1st, with candles on June 4th, and on July 1 to support the space.

Regarding the 818 case, we will appeal the conviction and sentence, because the case makes the people’s right to assemble and procession guaranteed by the constitution ineffective, and we must regain this right. The sentence is even more ridiculously long. Although it is not considered as a sentencing guideline for similar cases in the future, it will inevitably have negative consequences. Of course, whether the higher laws can correct the chaos, we will just need to wait and see.

 In future prison life, I believe I will be able to adapt and live firmly. I will remember everyone and wish everyone safety and health. Living in troubled times is a responsibility. As long as we overcome 





Stödbrevet från vår ordförande, Narayan Liu till Lee Cheuk-yan:

‘Hej’ from your fellow Hongkongers in Sweden,

It was difficult to hear of your arrest. Yours and every other pro-democracy activist and politician they have imprisoned.

Even from here, we haven’t forgotten the hypocrisy of the powers that have taken you. We haven’t turned our eyes away and we will do everything we can to ensure the rest of the world sees you too.

We also want to remind you, in case needed, that you are right. It does not matter how those in opposition view you in the grand scheme of things. History will absolve you. We continue to be inspired by your bravery and conviction in your pursuit of democratic values.

Wishing you the best in the coming months.


Befria Hongkong. Organisationen arbetar mot kränkningar av de mänskliga rättigheterna i och runt Asien.